How to Select the Right Company for Your Organization’s Virtual Training
When selecting a company for your virtual training programs, focus on experience, expertise, engagement, equipment, entertainment value, and education.
When selecting a company for your virtual training programs, focus on experience, expertise, engagement, equipment, entertainment value, and education.
With the work-from-home transformation taking root across the country, there is now much more focus on virtual leadership training.
Many companies are making critical mistakes in the effectiveness of their virtual training programs. Here's how to make sure they don't happen to you.
We need to take some time to think through what we are doing and how we are doing it. Not at a shallow level, but at a more in-depth level. We need to really look at the nervous systems of our organizations, and well as the flowcharts for maintaining and operating a successful body.
The only way to truly be successful is to seek mastery. The people that are masters in their field make the most money, are the most successful and have stability and longevity. As Alan Pease once said, “Brain surgeons earn 10 times that of a general practitioner. It pays to be an expert.”
I want to see a brighter day when companies and organizations are led by leaders who are inspired, dedicated, and skillful in the way they lead their teams. Let’s tear down the old bronze monuments to arrogance, incompetence, and management by intimidation. Let the revolution begin.