Shawn Doyle – How Executive Coaching Transforms Leaders

Executive Coaching Makes More Effective Leaders
Do you want your organization to reach its financial goals? Do you wish your staff were more engaged and productive? Do you want your company to be more resilient, flexible, and better able to deal with change?
You need strong, effective leadership.
Leaders need the right support and training to do their best work. That’s what executive coaching does. It improves decision-making, interpersonal skills, self-awareness, productivity, and strategic visioning, and it fosters a culture of success.
Shawn Doyle Training helps leaders refine their skills and effectively drive their teams to achieve organizational goals.

What is Executive Coaching?
Executive coaching is a uniquely structured, highly effective process designed to make someone into a more effective leader.
The executive works one-on-one with a certified, experienced coach to learn their strengths and areas for improvement. Since the coach has an objective viewpoint, he or she will view the situation from a different perspective.
The purpose behind executive coaching is to help leaders overcome challenges and actualize their professional and personal goals.
Our process allows the executive and the coach to form a bond, encourages the executive to improve their performance, and helps them adjust their leadership style to achieve better results. This transforms the executive into a more effective and better leader.
Using Coaching as a Leadership Development Tool
Companies that develop leaders and invest in their skills are more successful than those which don’t. Leaders who want to get better, learn more about themselves, and achieve greater results are more effective, better able to avoid stress and burnout, and better able to help their teams reach higher heights.
Significant benefits to executive coaching include:

Fast-tracked leadership development.
When you’re hungry for growth, waiting years to develop leadership skills isn’t an option. Our fast-tracked leadership program quickly equips your leaders with the skills they need to fast-track your success.

More creativity and better problem solving.
Executive coaching enhances creative thinking. It also helps leaders be more innovative, solve problems more effectively, and inspire their teams.

Personal leadership skills development.
Executive coaching enhances personal leadership skills by providing tailored guidance, fostering self-awareness, and building the ability to navigate challenges with confidence and strategic insight.

Increased self-awareness and resilience.
Our executive coaching fosters increased self-awareness and resilience by helping you recognize your strengths, identify growth areas, and develop strategies to adapt and thrive under pressure.
Why Is Leadership Development Important?
Leadership development is crucial for companies that want to succeed today and in the future.
It helps drive strategy forward in the organization, helps companies better deal with change and uncertainty, improves financial performance, and is crucial for retaining and attracting talent.
Organizations choose us for executive coaching because we:

Help those taking on new leadership roles.
When an executive is promoted, there may be new skills, capabilities, and mindsets they need to develop and adopt. We help them do exactly that.

Provide personal growth and development.
Executive coaching helps leaders develop their professional and personal leadership skills, progress along their career path, and become better leaders.

Offer stress and conflict management strategies.
The role of a leader is to manage employees and resolve conflicts. Executive coaching helps them learn how to build emotional intelligence and gives them the skills they need to mitigate conflict.

Trust Shawn Doyle Training

Whether you’re hiring an executive, looking to improve the leadership qualities of your current team, or if you’re a leader who wants to become more efficient and effective, then executive coaching is for you.
At Shawn Doyle Training, our coaching sessions help you boost your leadership skills and improve all areas of your life. Effective coaching doesn’t just give you the skills you need to inspire your team, it also streamlines your work and makes you more efficient, helping you win at work and achieve your personal and professional goals.
Research shows that a company’s commitment to executive coaching has a return on investment of almost six times the cost of the coaching. Our Power 5 RX system is designed to get the best results and give your company the best return on investment.
What Is Our Power 5 RX System?
Our 5-step proven process provides structured coaching, and its action-orientation nature is designed to get results. Here’s how this proprietary, proven, and results-driven process works.
Step 1
Specific tools, tests, and targeted assessments are used to diagnose your coaching needs. We determine what kind of coaching is necessary and formulate an individualized prescription plan based on actual, objective, quantitative, and qualitative data.
Step 2
We facilitate the executive coaching process based on the data collected. In most cases, coaching sessions occur twice a month for approximately one hour via video call. The length of our engagement may extend from three to 12 months.
Step 3
Participants complete action plan summaries after each coaching session to increase accountability and drive results. We provide exclusive access to our online library of incredible resources, including assessments, articles, and checklists to reinforce development.
Step 4
Checkup begins with a review of your action plans to chart progress and to discuss new challenges. A midpoint check-in meeting is also scheduled.
Step 5
Maintenance Plan
After successful completion of steps 1–4, we offer exclusive access to our unique library of online resources to encourage continued long-term success!
Executive Coaching Will
Empower Your Leaders Today

Executive coaching is incredibly powerful for all leaders.
We coach CEOs, COOs, and CFOs to help them solve issues and challenges. We work with vice presidents because their companies want them to be as effective as possible, and they want to build bench strength for the future. Directors are often the rising talent in an organization, and we help them achieve success and prepare for future growth.
In short, executive coaching can help you no matter where you are in your leadership career.
Are you ready to fast-track your leadership development? Get in touch to learn more about executive coaching with Shawn Doyle Training.