
Creating a Culture of Innovation

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Understand the definition of corporate and organizational culture
  • Know how to create a culture of innovation
  • Have the tools and techniques for building an innovation culture
  • Learn how to lead innovation
  • Understand the role that incentivizing and rewarding plays in an innovative culture
  • Understand the role of learning and development as it relates to creating a culture of innovation
  • Know how to convey and use mission and vision statements to effectively lead innovation

Diversity and Inclusion: What Matters

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Understand and know how to define diversity
  • Know the laws that relate to diversity
  • Understand stereotypes and their negative impact
  • Know the impact of words and language
  • Know the benefits of diversity in the workplace
  • Know how to hire for diversity and inclusion
  • Know the Diversity R.E.S.P.E.C.T. formula

Emotional Intelligence in a Modern World

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • The core concepts of emotional intelligence and what they mean
  • Define emotional intelligence and understand how it applies to success in the workplace
  • Four elements of emotional intelligence
  • New tools and techniques in order to build more emotional intelligence
  • Capability to improve communication with other people in the workplace by being more emotionally intelligent

How to Get Along with Everyone Every Time

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Have identified their communication style and their preferences
  • Understand the four behavioral styles and each style’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Know how to use the understanding of behavioral styles to communicate with others
  • Be able to adapt their communication to suit each team member’s individual style

JumpStart Your Motivation

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • What gets people motivated
  • The importance of purpose and passion
  • The organizational and team benefits to passion
  • How to incorporate continuous learning and its contribution to motivation
  • The impact of mentors on motivation
  • How to get and stay motivated

JumpStart Your Networking

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Know how to network effectively for professional and personal benefit
  • Understand how to set networking goals
  • Have tools and techniques for effectively networking at events
  • Know how to build a network in person and through social media channels such as LinkedIn
  • Understand the fundamental aspects of networking internally and externally

JumpStart Your Productivity

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Know the two key elements that drive performance in organizations
  • Know the real, proven benefits of being more productive
  • Be able to set goals and correlate goals directly to being more productive
  • Be able to use time management systems at work to be more productive
  • Be able to organize and plan activities and tasks to be a more productive employee
  • Understand their specific productivity style and how it relates to when they do their work each day
  • Have a set of techniques for creating a better to-do list for productivity

Listening Power!

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Know how to think about how they listen
  • Gain strengths and identify areas of improvement as it relates to listening
  • Have completed a listening assessment and are more aware of their listening skills
  • Have an action plan for developing future listening skills

Sexual Harassment Prevention: What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Understand the laws that govern behavior at work
  • Know the definitions of sexual harassment
  • Understand liability and the cost of wrongful actions
  • Have distinctions around what respect in the workplace looks like
  • Know how to prevent sexual harassment

Stress for Less

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Have an increased awareness of what stresses them individually
  • Understand how life events impact their levels of stress
  • Know what happens to the body and nervous system when people are stressed
  • Be able to apply solutions in order to reduce stress and manage it better
  • Have physical, mental and social tools for stress management

The Goal Tender: Goal Setting for Results

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Understand the benefits of effective goal setting
  • Understand why written goals are more effective versus verbal
  • Have a new mindset about goals and self-limitation
  • Be able to make goals measurable
  • Learn how to surround themselves with people and processes that support goals and objectives

The Sun Still Rises: Surviving and Thriving After Grief and Loss

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • To understand societal myths and misinformation about grief and loss
  • To learn and understand how to become hopeful again after the adversity of loss
  • To learn tools and techniques for coping, grieving and healing
  • To learn and understand how to make difficult decisions every day
  • To discuss possible reactions to grief that can result in understanding
  • To understand the rules of grieving and the fact that there are no hard and fast rules
  • To understand how to take care of yourself as you go through the adversity of grief
  • To understand and evaluate where you are in your life and where you want to go

The Ten Foundations of Teams

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Know the qualities of great teams
  • Know the value of working together as a highly effective team
  • Understand the importance of a team mission, vision and values
  • Clearly understand the link between company goals and team goals
  • Understand behavioral standards and to apply them to a team environment
  • Be able to develop and discuss a team contract to influence long-term team interaction

Total Team! Tactics for Working Better

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Understand the qualities of great teams
  • Understand the basics of team dynamics
  • Know the behavioral style of each team member
  • Be able to adapt their behavioral style to other team members to improve team productivity and morale
  • Be able to adapt and thrive as a team during organizational change
  • Know how behavioral standards are measured in terms of the performance of the team as a unit
  • Know how to reach team agreements on future team interactions

Transactional Analysis: The Secret to Better Communication

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Understand the core principles of Transactional Analysis and how it can help their communication style
  • Understand the idea of “ego states” and how to apply them to communication scenarios
  • Know how to identify someone’s ego state during communication and adapt their communication style for better outcomes
  • Know the keys to making any interaction more effective
  • Know how to better connect with people to improve communication

Two Months to Motivation

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Be able to define motivation professionally and personally
  • Have the tools and techniques to get and stay motivated at the highest level
  • Know their own definition of satisfaction and happiness at work and at home
  • Have their own motivation map so they can measure and maximize their level of motivation

Understanding Behavioral Styles

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Understand the four behavioral styles and each style’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify their own behavioral style and preferences when communicating
  • Learn how to apply the understanding of behavioral styles to communication and coaching as a leader
  • Learn how to adapt communication to each team member’s individual style

Understanding Behavioral Styles for Effective Leadership

Expected Outcomes

Participants will achieve the following outcomes from this training:
  • Understand the four behavioral styles and each style’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify their own behavioral style and preferences when communicating
  • Learn how to apply the understanding of behavioral styles to communication and coaching as a leader
  • Learn how to adapt communication to each team member’s individual style


Shawn Doyle, CSP Headshot

Experience more satisfaction, advancement, and financial return from the work you do every day with these video tips from Shawn Doyle.


“Easy-to-understand professional training with great practices. Very engaging. Great training topics and materials. Most important, fun!”

“Shawn’s style of communicating with his audience is motivating and inspiring. His knowledge and the way he connects with everyone is captivating and enjoyable. Looking forward to reading his books and different work he is involved in.”

“This experience has been eye opening to say the least. It has made me critically think about myself and those around me. Regardless of your role or experience, there is always something more to learn and improve on. No one is too good for this.”

“Not only is it a great refresher for past skills, but also an incredible program for relating to other managers and our fellow employees and team members.”

“I would recommend the training to a friend because Shawn’s approach isn’t just to tell you what you should do, how you should act, or how to feel. He challenges your own thought process, and while he assists you through it, his program allows you to think internally and come up with solutions – whether in work or in your personal life. I would definitely recommend his training to a friend.”

“He makes his classes very interesting, and I love the fact that he connects it to real-life experiences that are very relatable.”

“This was an amazing program. It was never dull or boring. I was impressed with all my coworkers. It made me proud. The subject matter was super interesting and very practical to implement immediately. We are all better for it! Thank you!”

“I found this leadership class to be truly exceptional! For so many years, I thought I understood the definition of leadership, and I have learned so much. I have taken this call so seriously and have already started executing many of the tools/strategies from all the classes. I loved how interactive this class was. I loved meeting staff I’ve never been introduced to and thought it could help interdepartmental. Super appreciative to have been a part of this leadership class!”

“Shawn was incredibly engaging, caring, and knowledgeable. His commitment to making people better people is obvious in everything he does, and he has inspired myself and my staff to apply his teachings. Truly life changing.”

“The Shawn Doyle experience is amazing and can be applied not only to work life, but also to everyday life. It was really eye opening. Absolutely amazing! Thank you to everyone involved!”

“Shawn is a very personable, relatable, and honest speaker. He uses real-life experiences to capture the room. His passion for training and knowledge in his craft makes him a valuable tool to increase – or should I say ‘jumpstart’ – your leadership.”

“It’s a very resourceful eye opener for anyone work related and for a personal matter. He covered areas in leadership that I didn’t realize I needed to work on.”


The 10 Secrets of Effective Communication as a Leader
Business Training, Executive Coaching, Keynote Speaking
7 Ways to Massively Increase Creativity & Innovation
The Secret to Achieving Happiness
Business Training, Executive Coaching, Keynote Speaking


