We Coach. We Train.
We Transform.
Shawn Doyle Training empowers organizations to thrive through award-winning executive coaching, interactive training, and engaging speaking engagements.
With over 30 years of experience, we helps leaders enhance their skills, boost employee retention, and drive profitability through proven strategies and personalized development programs.
We Coach.
We Train.
We Transform.
Shawn Doyle Training empowers organizations to thrive through award-winning executive coaching, interactive training, and engaging speaking engagements.
With over 30 years of experience, we helps leaders enhance their skills, boost employee retention, and drive profitability through proven strategies and personalized development programs.
Companies We’ve Worked With

Shawn Doyle Training

Highly successful people leverage the advice and wisdom of a professional coach. Executive coaching is a uniquely structured, highly effective process where the executive works closely one on one with a certified, experienced, expert coach to determine their strengths and areas for improvement.

Research shows that companies that offer comprehensive training programs have a 218% higher income per employee, and employees who are involved in mentoring programs have a 50% higher retention rate. If you need a corporate university or custom mentoring programs to unlock your organization’s untapped potential, we can help.

Drawing Purpose
Growing up, I was a passionate artist with a dream to become a cartoonist, but at 30 years old I found myself selling foam cups at a large manufacturer of food service products. Even though I was meeting my needs and paying the bills, I was disappointed with how my life was unfolding. I wasn’t fulfilled, always dreaming of something bigger for me.
Until one day, plans were being made for our national sales meeting and I volunteered to give a presentation to all employees, even though I didn’t have experience in public speaking to any group let alone my entire company worldwide.
My coworkers told me I was completely crazy, but I decided to go for it anyways!
That’s when something extraordinary happened that changed my life. Two weeks later the phone rang and I was offered a position in our company’s training department. Shortly after developing my first training program, I knew I had discovered my passion, my life’s work. I went on to write over 100 training programs and gave hundreds of presentations in only 7 years with that company. I was living my passion and dream every single day.
Since then, I’ve made the decision to dedicate my life to guiding others through taking their big leap and making that same transition so that they aren’t trapped by their ordinary life, but instead help them draw out their extraordinary lives.
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Our Services
Shawn is a Certified Professional Speaker as designated by the National Speakers Association. He speaks more than 100 times each year. His clients, which include many Fortune 500 companies, say that when he speaks, he makes any topic fun, engaging, and relevant – and brings energy to any room.

What Is Our Power 5 RX System?
Our 5-step proven process provides structured coaching, and its action-orientation nature is designed to get results. Here’s how this proprietary, proven, and results-driven process works.
Step 1
Specific tools, tests, and targeted assessments are used to diagnose your coaching needs. We determine what kind of coaching is necessary and formulate an individualized prescription plan based on actual, objective, quantitative, and qualitative data.
Step 2
We facilitate the executive coaching process based on the data collected. In most cases, coaching sessions occur twice a month for approximately one hour via video call. The length of our engagement may extend from three to 12 months.
Step 3
Participants complete action plan summaries after each coaching session to increase accountability and drive results. We provide exclusive access to our online library of incredible resources, including assessments, articles, and checklists to reinforce development.
Step 4
Checkup begins with a review of your action plans to chart progress and to discuss new challenges. A midpoint check-in meeting is also scheduled.
Step 5
Maintenance Plan
After successful completion of steps 1–4, we offer exclusive access to our unique library of online resources to encourage continued long-term success!