10 Ways to be the Husband Your Wife Always Wanted
I want you to become the husband that your wife always wanted (if you are a wife, then the same advice applies). How? Here are 10 tips that will make all the difference in the world.
I want you to become the husband that your wife always wanted (if you are a wife, then the same advice applies). How? Here are 10 tips that will make all the difference in the world.
Why is it that so many organizations suffer from poor leadership and employees that lack motivation? I believe that a big part of it is that organizations are too focused on results and not focused on leaders being developed, so those leaders can be more effective in leading their employees to get the results.
Have you ever noticed that some people seem very resilient, and they just somehow bounce back? Those people, when the chips are down still seem motivated and don’t give up? This is the big question; how do you stay motivated when the chips are down?
The first part of becoming the architect of your own life is deciding that you can create your own life circumstances. You have control over every choice that you make.
Can you choose to not be angry? Can you really choose your response? Can you choose not to get worked up and frustrated? Can you choose to not have a negative reaction? Yes.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could change the world? Wouldn’t it be great if the world was better place? Call me a dreamer and a crazy optimist but I think we can change the world.
Here is a question I thought about: When did we stop being kind to our neighbors? When did we stop knowing our neighbors? When did we stop being neighborly?
Have you ever noticed that there are some people that just to be seem happy all the time? I know you have you have met them; they are people who love life, who have energy and seem to enjoy everything they do.
Part of my job often requires me to travel and be the away from my soulmate, my wife Rachael. As I travel from airport to airport, I meet many other people who have the same challenge: How do you stay connected to your soulmate when you’re not there?
If I blindfolded you and then dropped you off into town and some state you are not familiar with without GPS and without a map, it’s highly unlikely that you would not be able to find her way home.