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Category: blog

Every Moment in Life is a Choice and it’s Yours to Make

Can you choose to not be angry? Can you really choose your response? Can you choose not to get
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How to Change the World

Wouldn’t it be great if we could change the world? Wouldn’t it be great if the world was better
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A Lesson I Learned from My Neighbor that Many Have Forgotten

Here is a question I thought about: When did we stop being kind to our neighbors? When did we
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9 Secrets of Happy People

Have you ever noticed that there are some people that just to be seem happy all the time? I
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10 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Soulmate When You’re on the Road

Part of my job often requires me to travel and be the away from my soulmate, my wife Rachael.
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5 Reasons Why You Still Haven’t Achieved Your Goals

If I blindfolded you and then dropped you off into town and some state you are not familiar with
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5 Pro Tips for Virtual Presentations

I have seen many terrible cringe worthy presentations in the last few months. I have noticed when presentations are
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How to Set Goals and Finally Achieve Them

If you want to have a fantastic year, then it’s essential to take the time now to set goals
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How to Manage Stress

Politics, violence, murder, and natural disasters can create lots of tension and stress and worry. That is, my entrepreneur
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7 Managerial Missteps You Should Never, Ever Make

Here are seven daily practices that managers need to stop doing now. Ask yourself: Are you doing any of
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Latest Blogs

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6 Keys to Success: Making it the Best Year Ever

Why won’t this year be any different for many people? They have missed some of the basic and fundamental keys

Relight the Fire: How to Find Your Passion at Work Again

many people get up dreading work and the joy has just been sucked out of the job. The question is,

The 4 Keys to Unlocking the Life of Your Dreams

Would you like to live the life of your dreams? Do you feel like you’re not living up to your

7 Things a Man Should Never Do to His Wife – Ever

If every man would make his prime concern the comfort and well-being of his wife and every wife make her

8 Ways to Live Again After Losing a Loved One

Here is the compelling question: How do you heal after losing a loved one? I experienced this on a personal

The Magic of Motivating Employees

How does a leader motivate their team? It seems like a puzzle to many leaders, and they just don’t know

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