The 1 Simple Act that Can Transform Your Life
When I ask people one on one why they aren’t setting goals, they have the same answers all over the country: “I don’t have time.” “I am busy.” “I don’t know how.”
When I ask people one on one why they aren’t setting goals, they have the same answers all over the country: “I don’t have time.” “I am busy.” “I don’t know how.”
In organizations, there seems to be a remarkable gap between the leader’s perception of the effectiveness of their communication and the team’s. Here are seven elements think about in terms of closing the leadership communication gap.
Everyone is looking for the magic pill of happiness. I want to share with you what I believe to be one of the keys of living an amazing life, and it all boils down to one word: learning.
Love is supposed to bring you up and make your life better, not worse! Here are six scary signs that tell you that you are in the wrong relationship, and if you see many of these you need to get the heck out and find someone else.
How does a leader motivate their team? It seems like a puzzle to many leaders, and they just don’t know how. What is the magic? Having worked with hundreds of companies, here is what I believe to be the magic of motivating employees:
Here is the compelling question: How do you heal after losing a loved one? I experienced this on a personal level, when I became a widower at the age of 54, when my wife of 32 years died tragically.
If every man would make his prime concern the comfort and well-being of his wife and every wife make her chief concern the comfort and well-being of her husband, we would have very little divorce in the land.
Would you like to live the life of your dreams? Do you feel like you’re not living up to your full potential? Do you see other people around you succeeding and you would like to be those people?
many people get up dreading work and the joy has just been sucked out of the job. The question is, how do you find the passion again? How do you relight the fire? Here are some tips to help relight the fire at work.
Why won’t this year be any different for many people? They have missed some of the basic and fundamental keys to success both in business and in life.