About Shawn Doyle

Shawn Doyle, CSP, is the founder of Shawn Doyle Training and President of New Light Learning & Development, Inc. For more than three decades, Shawn has led countless people through training and development programs. Over the years, he has refined his approach to what is now taught through Shawn Doyle Training programs and coaching. He has also authored 22 books on leadership sales and motivation.

Mastery in the Age of the Overnight Success

By |2022-01-09T11:30:59-05:00May 23rd, 2020|Public, Training|

The only way to truly be successful is to seek mastery. The people that are masters in their field make the most money, are the most successful and have stability and longevity. As Alan Pease once said, “Brain surgeons earn 10 times that of a general practitioner. It pays to be an expert.”

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The fastest way to reach Shawn Doyle Training is to call 888-513-5060. Or, feel free to schedule a 30- or 60-minute call directly on Shawn’s calendar.

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