About Shawn Doyle

Shawn Doyle, CSP, is the founder of Shawn Doyle Training and President of New Light Learning & Development, Inc. For more than three decades, Shawn has led countless people through training and development programs. Over the years, he has refined his approach to what is now taught through Shawn Doyle Training programs and coaching. He has also authored 22 books on leadership sales and motivation.

9 Secrets of Happy People

By |2022-01-09T11:22:53-05:00December 27th, 2021|Premium Content|

Have you ever noticed that there are some people that just to be seem happy all the time? I know you have you have met them; they are people who love life, who have energy and seem to enjoy everything they do.

How to Manage Stress

By |2022-01-09T11:22:53-05:00December 23rd, 2021|Premium Content|

Politics, violence, murder, and natural disasters can create lots of tension and stress and worry. That is, my entrepreneur friends, the bad news. There is good news however, you don’t have to let it! You can control and manage it!

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