About Shawn Doyle

Shawn Doyle, CSP, is the founder of Shawn Doyle Training and President of New Light Learning & Development, Inc. For more than three decades, Shawn has led countless people through training and development programs. Over the years, he has refined his approach to what is now taught through Shawn Doyle Training programs and coaching. He has also authored 22 books on leadership sales and motivation.

Glass Half Full: 4 Keys to Being an Optimist

By |2022-01-09T11:22:53-05:00December 27th, 2021|Premium Content|

There are individuals in the world who say, “Well, of course, it is very negative world. You can’t just put your head in the sand. I mean, wars do happen.” Yes, I know, but there is also beauty and magnificence in the world. So let me give you some suggestions on how to be more optimistic and upbeat and positive. You can decide.

How to be a Great CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer)

By |2022-01-09T11:22:53-05:00December 27th, 2021|Premium Content|

Why is it that so many organizations suffer from poor leadership and employees that lack motivation? I believe that a big part of it is that organizations are too focused on results and not focused on leaders being developed, so those leaders can be more effective in leading their employees to get the results.

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