Executive coaching is a uniquely structured, highly effective process where the executive works closely with a certified, experienced, expert coach (like me) to determine their strengths and areas for improvement.


Executive coaching is a uniquely structured, highly effective process where the executive works closely with a certified, experienced, expert coach (like me) to determine their strengths and areas for improvement.

One of the significant advantages of the process is the coach has an objective and an “above the trees” viewpoint, so they can view challenges from a very different and unique perspective. As Jack Welch once said, “Does coaching work? Yes. Good coaches provide a truly important service. They tell you the truth when no one else will.”

The purpose behind any executive coaching is to help our clients overcome challenges and actualize their professional and personal goals. The process we have created allows the executive and the coach to form a bond that allows the executive to improve performance.

One of the significant advantages of the process is the coach has an objective and an “above the trees” viewpoint, so they can view challenges from a very different and unique perspective. As Jack Welch once said, “Does coaching work? Yes. Good coaches provide a truly important service. They tell you the truth when no one else will.”

The purpose behind any executive coaching is to help our clients overcome challenges and actualize their professional and personal goals. The process we have created allows the executive and the coach to form a bond that allows the executive to improve performance.

Why should you hire an executive coach?

Organizations contact us to coach an executive for several reasons:

  • Assistance with taking on a new leadership role. When an executive is promoted to a new role, a leader may say, “I have never been a Vice President before. “There may be new skills, capabilities, and mindset they need to develop in order to be successful. As Fast Company magazine said: “Coaching isn’t therapy. It’s product development, with you as the product.”
  • Personal growth and development. Some leaders are already in their current role and want to continue to develop to excel in that role and prepare for future career opportunities. Their companies are investing in their future success. As The Ivy Business Journal once stated “Executives and HR managers know coaching is the most potent tool for inducing positive personal change, ensuring better than average odds of success and making the change stick for the long term.”
  • Stress/conflict management. The role of a leader is to manage employees and resolve conflicts among team members. Some executives we coach may lack the emotional intelligence and skills they need to mitigate conflict. Executive coaching helps them learn how to be emotionally intelligent. As the Wall Street Journal once said: “Executive coaches often are brought in to help a star player navigate a new role or advance faster inside a company. Other businesses, however, hire a coach to fix a manager’s flaws, such as poor interpersonal skills.”

There are some significant benefits to executive coaching:

  • Developing personal leadership skills. Because we use a comprehensive and proprietary executive coaching process, we are able to uncover each leader’s strengths as a leader and areas for improvement. This awareness helps them significantly develop new leadership skills.
  • Fast track leadership development. If leadership development is a process, then Executive Coaching is the catalyst that fast tracks the development of the leader. The reason for this is almost all leaders we work with have never had the experience of working with an executive coach before.
  • More creativity. Executive coaching enhances creative thinking. It also help them take more innovative approaches as a leader. As John Russel once said: “I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable.”
  • Increase self-awareness and resilience. We have found that working with an executive coach improves confidence because they have gained a greatly enhanced level of self-awareness. When we are coaching executives, they will often say: “I think that is so fascinating- I didn’t know that about myself.”

Who is executive coaching for?

We coach many executives every year and they tend to fall into three categories:

  • C Suite. We often coach CEOs, COOs and CFOs. They are smart enough to know that they need an outside objective view to help them solve some very real issues and challenges. They can relate to us because I was a VP in corporate America, and I have worked with so many executives in many companies.
  • Vice Presidents. We often work with Vice Presidents because their company wants them to be as effective as possible, and they want to build bench strength for the future. Some companies use Executive Coaching as strategy for:
  • Directors. Directors are often the rising talent in an organization, and we help them in their new role to prepare them for

The process of executive coaching

Formulated and developed by our team at Shawn Doyle Training, this proprietary, proven, results-driven process is our Power 5 RX System. Research shows that a company’s commitment to executive coaching has a return on investment of almost six times the cost of the coaching.

What is our Power 5 RX System?

Protect your investment with our 5-step proven process:

  • Step 1: Diagnosis: Specific tools, tests, and targeted assessments are used to diagnose your coaching needs. The results of these tests allow us to determine just what kind of coaching is necessary. These results allows us to formulate an individualized prescription plan based on actual, objective, quantitative, and qualitative data.
  • Step 2: Treatment: Once step one is complete, we facilitate the executive coaching process based on the data collected in step one. In most cases, the coaching is twice a month for approximately one hour via video call. The length of our engagement can be between three and 12 months.
  • Step 3: Prescription: Our participants are expected to complete action plan summaries after each coaching session that increases accountability and drives results. Exclusive access is provided to our online library of incredible resources, including assessments, articles, and checklists to reinforce their development as a successful leader.
  • Step 4: Check-Up: Checkup begins with a review of their action plans to determine their progress and to discuss new challenges that they have developed. A midpoint check-in meeting with their leader is also scheduled at this time.
  • Step 5: Maintenance Plan: After successful completion of steps 1-4, we offer exclusive access to our unique online library of resources to encourage continued long-term success!

Our Power 5RX System ensures maximum coaching effectiveness and best results for the highest return on your investment – YOU!

Why choose us?

  • We have many clients we have worked with who have gotten significant results. We worked with the president of one company whose company revenue increased ten-fold in one year, and his level of stress was reduced, all while working fewer hours. The increase in revenue also dramatically improved his personal life.
  • Our CEO Shawn Doyle is a Registered Corporate Coach (RCC) and a Certified Professional Speaker (CSP). He is also the author of 23 books, of which three are on leadership.
  • We have over 30 years of experience in professional development and training. Shawn was the Former VP of Learning and Development at Comcast, and was the co- founder of Comcast University. Our clients include

Ready to fast-track your leadership development? Get in touch to learn more about executive coaching with Shawn Doyle Training.

Click here to download Shawn Doyle’s FREE “How to Leverage Executive Coaching to Drive Maximum Performance”


