Executive Coaching
Executive coaching is a uniquely structured, highly effective process where the executive works closely one on one with a certified, experienced, expert coach to determine their strengths and areas for improvement. One of the significant advantages of the process is the coach has an objective viewpoint so they can view challenges from a different perspective.
Action orientation is the foundation of our entire process to guide executives and to get them to where they are to where they need to be. We coach your leaders to “Win at Work.” Formulated and developed by our team at Shawn Doyle Training, this proprietary, proven, results-driven process is our Power 5 RX System. Research shows that a company’s commitment to executive coaching has a return on investment of almost six times the cost of the coaching.

Life Coaching
Are you happy with every area of your life? Are you living life to your full potential? Are you motivated? Do you want to be more motivated? Do you have dreams? Do you need help living the life of your dreams? Are there life challenges that you face?
These are tough questions, and if you are struggling to find answers, that’s a sign you could use a life coach. The coaching process consists of three to six monthly meetings that are all about helping you maximize your life.
The process consists of assessments, coaching meetings, reading assignments, self-study, and action plans. In the first meeting, we set the foundation and I help you identify what you want work on. We then create an individual action plan for getting real results. You then immediately start implementing the tools and strategies we discussed.
I also provide unlimited email support. I then follow up with you the following month to hold you accountable for what we talked about and, of course, to celebrate your successes.