

Get Motivated by Having Laser Focus

Having Laser Focus To Get Motivated

Right now there are wars. There are political battles being fought over health care. Trainers at Sea World are killed by Shamu. Famous actors in rehab. Banks have reduced credit lines for legitimate businesses. All the awful news, murder and mayhem.

What do you do to get and stay motivated?

Don’t let them get to you. They want to get to you. How dare you think you can succeed didn’t you hear the news?

No matter what happens stay sharp and stay laser focused on YOUR plan. You are the architect of you own life. Say to yourself- ” yes I see all this stuff but despite it I am going to be successful.” I have a plan and passion and talent and the rest of this stuff is just noise. The rest of the world can be tempted by this tender trap but no not me!”

Eyes forward- GO!

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