2 Things People Don’t Think About at Thanksgiving
In just a few weeks, millions of people will be sitting down to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. And, like my fellow Americans, my mouth waters at the thought of turkey, and I savor a good slice of pumpkin pie.
But here are two things that too many people don’t think about at Thanksgiving.
#1. Being Thankful
I’m thankful for my wife, I’m thankful for my home, I’m thankful for my health, I’m thankful for my faith, I’m thankful for my family, I’m thankful for my friends, I’m thankful for my business. In other words, I’m thankful for all of the elements that combine to make my life a happy one. Expressing those thanks strengthens that bond.
#2. Giving
Giving thanks. Giving compliments. Giving back to the world. Praise people openly and often. Volunteer to help someone, whether through an established nonprofit or one-to-one.
So between the pie, the turkey and Aunt Millie’s cranberry sauce, take a few moments to think about what you are thankful for, and how you can give thanks to others.
The full original article appears at
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